My background
I've been a management consultant for five years, worked in corporate for three years and now coach Fortune 500 companies to innovate, startup style. By night I am a full-stack developer. It's my creative outlet. This mix of business and tech helps me scratch my startup itches.
The story behind Rate My Meeting
Rate My Meeting is the result of my continued frustration for meeting ineffectiveness. And more so, the status quo that surrounds it. People recognize the frustration, but have difficulty knowing how to improve. Yes, there are tons of products out there that help you do better. But how do you know which one to use, if you haven't diagnosed (read: rated) the root cause problem?
My mission
In a sense I want Rate My Meeting to be your meeting GP, help you find what specialist tool you need to do better.
My mission is to:
- Create open, inclusive feedback cultures
- Show what tips & tricks drive good meetings
- Allow tracking performance over time
Join my mission. Let's have better meetings!

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