Feature changelog

Keep track of key changes to our product

1 month ago

Changed meetings layout

By Xander Groesbeek ·

With the addition of participant ratings, I've split meetings now into three tabs on your dashboard. Your active meetings, your archived meetings and any meetings you participated in. Sorted by date _and_ with pagination for faster loading times.
1 month ago

Added attendee rating

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Meeting organizers can now allow for any meeting attendee to be given feedback. For existing users, feedback will be tied to their own account, others will receive their rating by e-mail.
2 months ago

Added feedback insights

By Xander Groesbeek ·

One has got to ride the AI-wave: feedback on your meetings is now interpreted by AI (anonymously) to provide more actionable insights given your collected feedback. Happy rating!
3 months ago

Updated stack, improved privacy

By Xander Groesbeek ·

We've taken the hosting of our stack in own control, so that no other organization can access your data. Once again showing you we're committed to your privacy.
3 years ago

Added team member rating

By Xander Groesbeek ·

So now what if you're a part of a team and its not just you who should be rated? That's where the new team rating functionality comes in. Evaluate how anyone contributed and keep building that inclusive feedback culture.
3 years ago

Changed skills features

By Xander Groesbeek ·

You can ask your attendees to endorse your skills. The system selects a random list skills and then your attendees can attribute them to you. Or not. So far you'd see the skills you have. Now I'll also show what skills they did not click. Because that might actually be more valuable...?
3 years ago

Added API authorization flow

By Xander Groesbeek ·

As a developer you can now easily connect to user's Rate My Meeting data. As you register your app (client), you will all the info you need to integrate Rate My Meeting with your app. [Have a look](/settings/developers).
3 years ago

Added custom themes

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Your virtual attendee can apply any theme to your meeting. Something you hopefully [already know](https://academy.ratemymeeting.co/docs/virtual-attendee). Now it is also possible to define your own themes. Create a theme with tailored questions for that weekly stand-down, or monthly board meeting. All to go out automatically to all attendees in the meeting invite. How is that for workflow integration?
3 years ago

Added Federated Learning of Cohorts block

By Xander Groesbeek ·

You might have heard: Google is expiring cookies. Yet it'd be naive to think they are not planning to come back with more detailed, invasive tracking. With Chrome 89 that became reality ([FLoC](https://wicg.github.io/floc/)). I feel the technique is in its infancy, therefore not ready for worldwide deployment. I have thus blocked Rate My Meeting from parcipating, safeguarding your privacy. No action on your side is needed. [Learn more](https://spreadprivacy.com/block-floc-with-duckduckgo/).
3 years ago

Added personal API tokens

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Where before you could view your statistics in JSON via a single GET request, I felt this needed more sophistication. [Under APIs](/settings/api) you can create your own token to interact with a growing number of endpoints. This can help you integrate Rate My Meeting into your current workflow. Give it a try!
3 years ago

Updated server infrastructure

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Behind the scenes Rate My Meeting runs on server instances to store data, show the interface and provide the link between them. And these need an update every now and then. So from today on RMM runs on the latest and greatest. Including Ubuntu 20 and PHP8.
3 years ago

Added secondary e-mail option

By Xander Groesbeek ·

I'm personally happy with this one: you can now attach multiple addresses to your account and use them all with your virtual attendee. This makes that you can invite your virtual attendee from multiple calendars, yet have the ratings all come in your one account. Nice and tidy no?
3 years ago

Changed transactional e-mail provider

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Since the beginning I have been working with AWS to send you your transactional e-mails. This includes e-mails with service announcements and those triggered by your behavior. Now I moved away from AWS and took on Postmark. A bit more expensive, but more transparent in their privacy terms.
3 years ago

Added recurring meetings to virtual attendee

By Xander Groesbeek ·

People didn't really ask for it much, but yet it felt like a logical improvement for the virtual attendee's capabilities. So yes, now you can plan recurring meetings and the virtual attendee will plan accordingly. There might be some quircks still, let me know if you find one!
3 years ago

Fixed meeting insights

By Xander Groesbeek ·

For some users it seemed not to be working yet; meeting insights. So with your help I was able to fix it. And if it's still glitchy, please do let me know, okay?
3 years ago

Added personal API

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Have you been eager to share your results with the world? You now can! Publish your personal profile (under account) and call ratemymeeting.co/api/stats/your-username. It will give you data on your meeting ratings of the last 30 days. Looking for another timespan? Add /90, /120 or /360 (or any other number) days to the URL.
3 years ago

Changed Pro accessibility

By Xander Groesbeek ·

As some might know: I'm an indie hacker. I am completely running this service by myself. I code, host and design. Today, I'm switching from subscriptions to "donation ware". Is it useful to you? Consider donating a coffee or two.
4 years ago

Updated infrastructure

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Summer is over. So time for a refresh of the server infrastructure that runs Rate My Meeting. You might notice some downtime as we go. But we'll limit that as much as possible.
4 years ago

Changed teams

By Xander Groesbeek ·

While we started with servicing individuals, we slowly moved to teams and now learned about the needs of companies: multiple teams. So we improved our Teams functionality and now allow you to create as many teams as needed.
4 years ago

Changed meeting list

By Xander Groesbeek ·

One of those things that we put in, but never questioned: categorize meetings in your dashboard by date. So far you saw your meetings listed either by future or past. But with the new option to have undated meetings, we felt it made more sense to categorize them by 'Active' and 'Archived'.
4 years ago

Added e-mail automation

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Now you can add our virtual RMM attendee to your meeting. We'll then automatically schedule a Rate My Meeting in your account and send an invite to all attendees to ask them to rate your meeting. Simplify your workflow!
4 years ago

Changed interface

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Recently we started to feel we were outgrowing our initial interface design. So we connected with some of you to learn how to do better. You told us the biggest pain was in navigation, so we overhauled that for a much simpler experience. Have a look and see for yourself.
4 years ago

Added question themes

By Xander Groesbeek ·

As we recently enriched our question set, we wanted to make it easier for you to select the right questions. So today we are introducing Themes. Choose your preferred theme and we will select the appropriate set of questions for you.
4 years ago

Added question selection

By Xander Groesbeek ·

Initially we started with 20 researched and validated questions. But you told us that value is in measuring constructs. So we changed the question selection by adding themes. Start measuring the constructs you value rather than single questions.
4 years ago

Added timezones

By Xander Groesbeek ·

With the introduction of automated e-mails, we needed to change how our meetings are stored in the database. From now on we need to know your timezone to be able to automate meeting tasks for you. We'll try and assess yours upon login. Or set it yourself in [Settings](https://ratemymeeting.co/settings).
4 years ago

Added custom invitation time

By Xander Groesbeek ·

This is not April fool's day! We're user driven, and we are proofing it once again! Now you can select when to send automated rating invites. Set it to be send 30 minutes, 1, 2, 4 or 6 hours after the meeting start. Happy rating!
4 years ago

Added public profile

By Xander Groesbeek ·

We added public profiles to help showcase your ratings and skills to the public. Used in conjunction with our badge, we hope to further facilitate the visibility of your efforts.
4 years ago

Changed questions to be optional

By Xander Groesbeek ·

We received feedback from people asking to make selecting questions optional. And so we did. We'll ask you to confirm, because we strongly believe questions are what makes for good insights. But in the end, of course, it's up to you. Happy rating!
4 years ago

Added require respondent e-mail

By Xander Groesbeek ·

You asked, we made it happen: you can now choose to ask an e-mail address (required or optional) in your rating forms. When selected upon creation, an e-mail address field will show up.
4 years ago

Changed profile options

By Xander Groesbeek ·

To meet the requests of some users to control for the number of reviews to be shown on their public profiles, we added this option to the settings. 0 turns off reviews all together.
4 years ago

Added simple address book

By Xander Groesbeek ·

We allow you to easily add participants to your meetings, so that we can help you collect their ratings for you. If you run meetings with the same people often, we just made it easier to invite participants in the future using autocomplete. In the future we plan to further improve this functionality for our subscribers.
4 years ago

Added meeting annotations

By Xander Groesbeek ·

To help you keep track of qualitative data valuable for understanding meeting context, we added the opportunity to annotate your meetings. Who attended? Any special considerations to keep an eye out for future meetings? If you are a subscriber, you'll notice the 'Annotation' link in your meeting list.
4 years ago

Added a changelog

By Xander Groesbeek ·

We are working to improve the Rate My Meeting product continuously. Based on your feedback, usage patterns or our own hypotheses. So it might be hard to keep track. In our changelog we keep you up to date of major feature changes.